Token Seller Information
This section will cover index information for our drop bot.
Last updated
This section will cover index information for our drop bot.
Last updated
To access this page, please open a web browser and enter "" in the search bar. You will need to refresh the page once you start running the bot if the page isn't loading or isn't updating.
"Token:" Will display the token name of the token that you're running. "Address:" Will display the token address of the token that you're running. "Sell Button" Once pressed, this button will immediately override your sell trigger and try to sell the tokens you hold. "Disable Auto Sell/Enable Auto Sell" You can either have disable auto sell or enable auto sell selected at once. If this setting is enabled, it will turn on the sell trigger setting in the config. If this setting is disabled, it will turn off the sell trigger setting in the config. PNL Calculator this will roughly display your PNL after you've bought a token. Once sold, the actual Profit or Loss can be differ due to price impact and the time it takes for you're transaction to be approved.
If you're running multiple tokens, once you buy a specific token, it will appear at the top of the list and the sell button will appear green.