Withdrawing your funds from Leap is quick and easy. Follow these steps to withdraw all your funds from your Leap wallet safely.
Open the Wallets menu.
Open the Wallets menu.
Click on the Withdraw option.
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Set Your Withdrawal Wallet
Select Set Withdraw Wallet from the options.
Enter the wallet's public address where you want your funds to be withdrawn to using your preferred wallet app (e.g., Phantom or Solfare).
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Double-check the public wallet address to ensure accuracy. If you input the wrong public address, your funds will be sent to a wallet you don't own, aka losing your money.
Specify the Withdrawal Amount
Once your wallet address is set, input the amount you wish to withdraw by clicking Custom or Withdraw All.
Ensure the amount does not exceed your available balance and meets the minimum withdrawal threshold (e.g., 0.1 $SOL).
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Don't forget there are network fees on the Solana network to make the transfer. our withdrawals take this into consideration for you.
Execute the Withdrawal
Click the "Execute" button to confirm your withdrawal.
The bot will process your request and notify you once the withdrawal is successful and send you the transaction link for you to confirm.
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Last updated