Copy Trader
webhook: "Insert your webhook here"
buy_max: The max amount of Solana you will spend per transaction
buy_min: The minimum amount of Solana you will spend per transaction
buy_percent: Of the wallet you are copying. I.e They spend 10sol if you set 20% you would buy 2 sol
sell_percent: Same as with buy percent (Suggestion is to leave this at 100)
buy_slippage_tolerance: Buy Slippage as a %
sell_slippage_tolerance: Sell Slippage as a %
buy_priority_fee_sol: Normal Solana Priority Fee in SOL
buy_jito_tip_sol: Jito Fee in SOL
buy_bloxs_tip_sol: Blox Fee in SOL
sell_priority_fee_sol: Normal Solana Priority Fee in SOL
sell_jito_tip_sol: Jito Fee in SOL
sell_bloxs_tip_sol: Blox Fee in SOL
buy_attempts: Amount of times it should resend the transaction if unsuccessful
min_mcap: Min Market cap of the coin the copier buys, will ignore if below
max_mcap: Max Market cap of the coin the copier buys, will ignore if above
min_liquid: Min Liquidity cap of the coin the copier buys, will ignore if below
max_liquid: Max Liquidty of the coin the copier buys, will ignore if above
dont_sell: true/false (Set false if you only want to manual sell)
smart: true/false This will activate smart mode. Smart mode will only buy a token if x amount of the wallets you are tracking buys the coin
time_range: In seconds, fow how long it will wait for x wallets to buy
minimun_hits: amount of wallets that need to buy from your list for you to buy
monitored_wallets: [Enter all the wallets you are tracking for smart mode]
use_jito: true/false Use either this or Blox
use_blox: true/false Use either this or Jito - If you have a Blox API it will be faster
Last updated